Meet the Makers

Meet the Makers:
Cindy & Perry

Our friendship blossomed through years of shared experiences as our sons advanced from Cubs to Eagles in Boy Scouts. These years saw us both managing demanding careers, which left little room for indulging in creative or maker activities. Cindy served as Vice-President of a staffing company, while Perry was a career prosecutor in Houston.

The Birth of Thrift Revival

Retirement brought us more free time and a resurgence of creativity. This new found freedom led us to channel our existing thrifting obsession to make old, previously loved items into unique, cherished treasures. As we combined our passion for thrifting with our creativity, our transformations quickly became more than a hobby. After two years of perfecting our craft and reviving our sewing skills, we officially launched Thrift Revival! The name encapsulates our mission: to breathe new life into forgotten items and to offer handmade products that are both purposeful and distinctive.